Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This will be a Christmas to remember my daddy.

Christmas eve is usually my favorite time of the season, filled with anticipation, excitement, and the smells of good food.  This Christmas Eve was different.  My father took his last breath.  I was always the quintessential daddy's girl.  I have never in my life called my Dad, Dad.  He was and will always be Daddy.  I adored him and he adored me.  I am so thankful that he is not in pain and didn't have to spend Christmas Day smelling foods he couldn't eat, nor hearing laughter he couldn't partake in.  He will forever have a place in my heart and I am thankful that each time I look in the mirror I see his face.  Each time I look at my son playing his paper jam I see my dad, the best guitarist ever.  Each time I make a conversation with a stranger, I am my father's daughter.

Rest in peace Daddy, but please come by and visit sometimes so I won't miss you so much.  Here is our last picture together on my wedding day.


Anonymous said...


M + H said...

So sorry to hear about your daddy. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Genevieve said...

Sorry to hear about your dad.

I'm new follower from WB.